124 avenue Avro, Dorval (Montreal)
Quebec H9P 2X8 Canada
Our office hours are Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 5.30 PM (EST).
At another time, you can leave a voicemail message and we will get back to you shortly.
Toll free : +1-866-422-9842
Phone : +1-514-421-5517 or +1-514-421-5506
Fax : +1-514-421-5518
Polymer Source offers different types of support for product inquiries, customer service, and website questions.
-- Support for orders, your account, services and any other related questions.
-- Receive expert assistance with product information, custom synthesis, and analytic services inquiries.
-- Assistance with supporting documents (Safety Data-Sheets, Product Datasheets, Certificates of Analysis).
-- Contact C.E.O. about legal information inquiry, serious complaint, or for offers and investment opportunities.